Forced Proximity Bundle EBOOK
Forced Proximity Bundle EBOOK
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First Chapter Sneak Peek
First Chapter Sneak Peek
Chapter 1 - Playboy in a Kilt
“She didnae even try to deny it.”
Connor MacKean took one look at Hamish Colquhoun’s face and opened the door of his Airbnb wider. After seeing his best friend’s wife out at a club in another guy’s arms, he’d expected this visit.
Hamish stepped inside, prowling over to the window that afforded a glimpse of Edinburgh Castle—if you angled just right. Not that Connor thought his friend was admiring the view.
He shut the door. “Did you expect her to?”
“I dinna bloody ken. It’s no’ like there’s a manual for how to confront your wife about having an affair.” Temper had him sliding from his usual perfect diction back into the Highland Scots accent that had largely faded over his many years as a lawyer in Edinburgh.
Connor winced and wondered for the hundredth time if he’d done the right thing in telling Hamish what he’d seen at the club last night.
As he had for many years, he’d come to the city to celebrate New Year’s Eve, expecting to break his eight-month hiatus from women and find an interesting companion to share his bed for the night. Instead, he’d turned down an offer from one of his charming former flings with an off-the-cuff lie about being engaged. To Sophie Cameron, his sister Kyla’s best friend, of all people. Realizing he wasn’t at all in the right headspace for the games he’d once been so damned good at, he’d turned to leave and spotted Dayna on the dance floor, snogging Kyla’s ex.
How could he keep his mouth shut about that?
Not knowing what else to do, Connor crossed to the kitchen of the apartment and poured a glass of Glen Moray single-malt whisky. Then, figuring this wouldn’t be an easy conversation, he poured himself one as well and carried them both to the window.
“I’m sorry. I ken I’ve basically blown up your life. But I just couldn’t go on knowing what she’d done and let you continue your marriage as if everything was fine.”
Surprise momentarily blanked out the misery on Hamish’s face as he accepted the glass. “You weren’t the one who blew up my life, mate. I’ve been doing a damned fine job of that all on my own.”
“What are you talking about?”
Hamish took a long sip of whisky and closed his eyes. “Things havenae been right with Dayna for a long time. They were maybe never right, but I couldnae admit that to myself. Especially not once we had Freya. Not when I couldnae have…” He trailed off and drank again.
Connor frowned, wondering where all this was coming from. “Not when you couldnae have what?”
Hamish stared at the floor, his throat working. Guilt was etched in every line of his body when he met Connor’s gaze again. “Afton.”
Stunned to the marrow, Connor could only stare.
Afton Lennox had been part of their band of friends since childhood. And because of a three-hundred-year-old marriage pact between the MacKean and the Lennox families that held the fate of their respective estates hostage, she’d been Connor’s intended bride from the moment she’d been born. Connor had long since resigned himself to his familial duty, and he’d made it a point to be friends with the woman he’d expected to spend the rest of his life with. But he’d deliberately avoided romantic entanglements with her, figuring it was better to enjoy his freedom while he had it, as he had no intention of breaking his vows once he took them.
How could he not know that Hamish had feelings for her? What kind of selfish prick was he not to have seen?
But he started thinking back to how Hamish had behaved around Afton. He’d always been a little more formal with her. Less physically comfortable and affectionate than he was with the rest of their group. So far as Connor knew, they’d never really hung out on their own. He’d just assumed they had little in common, but maybe it had been something else entirely. Maybe it had been about maintaining a strict propriety because, so far as Hamish was concerned, she’d been taken. He couldn’t have pursued anything with her because she was meant to marry Connor.
“I dinna ken what to say.”
“There’s more.”
Realizing his friend was determined to unburden himself, Connor took a bracing sip of his own drink. “All right.”
“I kissed her.”
He hesitated. “The day before she disappeared.”
“Oh.” Probably he ought to say more than that, but it was all he could manage through the shock. That had been just a week before the wedding that wasn’t.
“I didnae plan on it. And I never set out to betray you. I swear it.”
Seeing Hamish’s knuckles going white, Connor gripped his shoulder. “You didnae betray me. I was never in love with Afton. You ken that well enough.”
“It’s not just that.” Misery bowed his shoulders as he dropped into a nearby chair. “I’m the one who told her about the loophole. That she could gamble away the estate.”
“Oh.” Connor knew he was beginning to sound like a broken record, but none of this was what he’d expected in the wake of Hamish confronting Dayna about her infidelity.
“I never wanted to hurt anyone. But I saw how much Afton was struggling with your impending wedding and being trapped in an arranged marriage, and I couldnae not tell her. Even though I knew it could mean that you and Kyla would lose Ardinmuir.”
Connor thought back to what Hamish had said to him at the “engagement” party the day the final banns had been read. That he hadn’t been doing right by Afton. And he’d been correct. Connor had been all caught up in his own feelings about their imminent marriage and had given up on the idea of ever getting out of it. Hamish had spent most of his career as a lawyer searching for a way and finding nothing.
Another piece clicked into place.
“So, all those years you hunted for a way to dissolve the marriage pact…?”
Hamish nodded. “It was the reason I went into law. I’d likely have done it just for you, either way. But I hoped I’d find something that would free you both. And I did. But when I told her, I never dreamed she’d actually go through with it.”
Instead, Afton had surprised them all, sneaking out of town and heading to Las Vegas, where she’d gambled the entirety of her estate, Lochmara, to an American cowboy. The one his sister Kyla had ended up marrying seven months ago, thus resolving the pact and saving their ancestral home from the longest-standing threat they faced.
“I think you can stop beating yourself up over that. Because Kyla and Raleigh are perfect for each other, and you saved me from a loveless marriage. In the end, it all worked out for the best. At least regarding us. If you need my forgiveness, you have it.”
“Thanks for that.” Hamish drained the last of his glass.
Understanding that his friend’s honor might need a little more, Connor pressed further. “And if you think you need my permission to pursue Afton, you dinna. She was never mine. Not in any real way.”
“It’s a non-issue, as she’s dropped off the face of the earth since she went to the States.”
A detective had tracked her as far as Vegas. Once Raleigh had come to claim Lochmara, they’d let the search drop, expecting her to return home eventually, at least to collect her things.
“She hasnae been in contact with you, either?” Connor asked.
“I’d have told you if she had. And anyway, I’m still not free. Not yet, anyway.”
Connor settled back in his chair. “So that’s it, then? No attempt at counseling or whatever?”
“There’s no point. Dayna and I have been having problems for a while. This was just the final nail in the coffin. At least we willnae have to deal with the full year of separation. I think maybe that’s why she had the affair. She wanted out.”
“It’s a bloody terrible way of going about it.”
“I dinna disagree. But I think we’re both relieved at the prospect of being done. Our marriage has become a farce. So, yes, I’ll start divorce proceedings this week.”
“And then what?”
Hamish loosed another long sigh, rolling the glass between his fingers. “That’ll depend on what custody arrangements are agreed on. I want to move home to Glenlaig, and I want to bring Freya. I have no idea if Dayna will fight me on that.”
“Well, of course, you can both come and stay at Ardinmuir while you get back on your feet, so you’re not tucked up in your parents’ spare room.” What was the point of living in a massive, six-hundred-year-old castle if you couldn’t provide space to friends?
“It’ll be a while before we get to that point. But thanks for the offer.”
Connor retrieved the bottle of whisky and poured them each another glass. “Well, for better or worse, it’ll be good to have you home. In the meantime, is there anything else I can do to help?”
Hamish drained the second glass. “Just keep the whisky coming.”
* * *
“I thank ye so much for staying open late for me today.”
Sophie Cameron beamed a smile at the elderly gentleman on the other side of the counter. “Of course, Mr. Fraser. I’m just relieved everything turned out all right at your doctor’s appointment.”
William narrowed faded blue eyes and grimaced. “Bunch o’ bother and nonsense. I’m healthy as a horse. But the missus insists they do the tests to prove it.”
“As well she should. You’re a catch. She’d never find the like of you again.”
Her elderly customer blushed up to the tips of his ears.
At eighty-two-years young, William Fraser had been married to his wife, Hettie, for sixty-one years. The two of them still had regular date nights in the village and could frequently be seen walking the high street hand-in-hand. Every week, like clockwork, William stopped at Sophie’s flower shop and bought a bouquet of Hettie’s favorite blooms. As far as Sophie was concerned, the pair of them were #relationshipgoals, and she adored having the privilege of helping him bring a little brightness and love to his wife. It was the least she could do for the man who’d been her most regular customer since she’d bought Village Blume from her boss, Agnes McNeary, years before.
She handed over this week’s clutch of hothouse tulips in a vibrant shade of pink. “These are sure to help combat the dreary skies.”
“Aye, that they will. See you next week, lass.”
“I look forward to it, as always. Tell Mrs. Fraser I said hello.”
“I’ll do that.”
After seeing Mr. Fraser off, Sophie finally turned the sign in the front window to Closed and went through the usual routine to lock up for the night. It didn’t take long. She’d already cleared her workstations in the back while she’d been waiting for William to arrive, so she only needed to shut down the POS system and review tomorrow’s list of arrangements. After checking one last time to make certain the cooler where she kept her stock was closed, she locked the door. For a fleeting moment, she considered walking up to The Stag’s Head pub for supper. She was exhausted. But she still had a few hours’ work to do for her second job, so she opted to head home and put together a sandwich and cuppa soup to eat at her computer.
Darkness fell so early in the Highlands this time of year. Not that it stopped the residents of Glenlaig from getting out and about. Sophie nodded in greeting to the many familiar faces she passed on the walk home. She loved that. Loved living in a village small enough to know most everyone. Or feel like she did, at least. It meant that she was witness to all the joys of her friends and neighbors. The births, the weddings, the anniversaries, the celebrations. And she was there to pay respects at the tragedies. The deaths. The illnesses. Flowers had the power to mark all of it. It was a big part of why she loved them. Why she’d chosen them as a career. There was too much ugliness in the world, and she wanted to combat that with joy.
Of course, having a flower shop in a small Highland village didn’t exactly make her flush with cash. Which was why she still lived at home with her stepmother. And also why she and her best friend, Kyla MacKean, had started an event planning business around Kyla’s home estate of Ardinmuir. A centuries-old castle made for a hell of a backdrop for weddings. They’d even hosted a couple of retirement parties and a bat mitzvah so far. The business had gotten off to a bumpy start, but they were finally in the black. Not enough to make a huge difference to her personal bottom line. Not yet. But they’d been able to expand enough to hire some part-time staff, which was necessary to keep them both sane.
Chilled through by the end of the half-mile walk to the house, Sophie was looking forward to that soup. And maybe even a long, hot bath, if there was time before settling in for work and a cuddle with Cori, her ancient Grand Dame of a cat. She carefully stomped the snow off her shoes before letting herself inside. Out of long habit, she slipped the shoes off and put them in the drip tray.
“Sophie? Is that you?”
Lorraine’s voice called out from the lounge, and Sophie knew by the wheedling, faux-frail tone that her plans for the evening had just gone up in smoke.
Tension lodged itself between her shoulders. Of course it’s me. Who the bloody hell else has a key?
Breathing through the frustration, she modulated her tone. “Yes, Mum.”
“Come here.”
Never a “please.” Just a demand.
Sophie flexed her hands into fists, then released them again as she went to see what her stepmother wanted.
Lorraine was sprawled out on the sofa in what Sophie privately thought of as her Fainting Couch pose. She looked like the heroine in some old silver screen movie, stretched out with a forearm draped across her brow. A blanket was draped over her lap, and a plate with the remains of whatever her dinner had been sat on the coffee table, next to an assortment of glasses and evidence of multiple snacks. Evidently, she’d been camped out here for a while.
“Be a dear and clear all this away, and make me a cuppa tea. I just canna make it to the kitchen again.”
Sophie wondered what today’s ailment was. So many of them felt performative. She’d never called Lorraine on any of it. She didn’t live in the other woman’s body or head. Perhaps she was wrong. Perhaps her stepmother did actually suffer from a myriad of chronic illnesses and deserved the disability check she got from the government every month, though Sophie had never seen any medical documentation to that effect. Still, she’d made a deathbed promise to her father to take care of Lorraine, and that’s what she’d done all these years.
Thinking of him and his big, booming laugh, and the hugs that had made her feel safe, no matter what was going on in her world, Sophie gathered up the dishes and headed for the kitchen. She stopped dead at the sight of it. No wonder Lorraine couldn’t make it to the kitchen again. It appeared that whatever she’d made had required the dirtying of every pot, pan, and dish in the house. The stove, the table, and every counter were covered. And there was Coriander, crouched over a dish, tan tabby-striped tail twitching as she licked.
Sophie leapt forward, scooping her baby up and out of prospective harm’s way. Please let her not have eaten something that will make her sick.
Cori yowled in protest at being kept from her feast.
“You know you’re not supposed to be on the counters or table.”
Her yellow-green eyes narrowed in displeasure as if to say, “It’s hardly my fault Lorraine left all this temptation in my path.”
As if hearing the thought, Lorraine called, “Oh, and do the washing up while you’re in there.”
Sophie fought not to grind her teeth. Her stepmother always had the energy to make the messes but never to clean them. But she bit back the bitterness, knowing it would do no good to express her frustrations. Opening a tin of Cori’s proper food, she set her beloved girl on the floor and went to put on the kettle. This mess would have to be sorted before she could even fix her own supper. But perhaps there’d be some sort of leftovers in the fridge from this grand kitchen disaster. Tugging open the door, she found none. How on earth had Lorraine dirtied up so many dishes for something with only enough for her to eat? Disgusted and even more exhausted, Sophie doused a tea bag in boiling water and rolled up her sleeves to load the dishwasher. After a brief pause to deliver the tea, she dove into the rest.
It took nearly an hour to get through the pile, washing and drying and putting away, during which Cori finished only a few bites of her own food before disappearing in a feline huff. Frustration and resentments simmered with every piece of cookery equipment Sophie returned to its rightful place. By the time she’d finished, she didn’t even have the energy to assemble a sandwich. Grabbing an apple from a bowl on the counter and a granola bar from the cupboard, she quietly made her way upstairs to dive into work. Pulling up the email for Ardinmuir Event Planning, she responded to a few brides with updated floral design suggestions; revised a seating chart in accordance with the news that an upcoming groom’s mother had remarried, and he was afraid she’d make a scene with her new, younger, trophy husband; and updated some spreadsheets based on vendor quotes. Cori wandered over and circled in her lap twice before settling in, half on the edge of the laptop. Wiggling the computer a little, Sophie managed to toggle over to the website and answer a new query from an American bride about booking a consultation for a destination wedding. By the time she’d gotten through all of that, her brain was fuzzy with fatigue. Everything else would have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe she could carve out a little time to work at the shop once she’d finished prepping the arrangements for the day.
Before logging out, she opened up her personal spreadsheet, entering the daily income totals and expenses for Village Blume and checking the column that auto-calculated exactly how long it would be until she could afford rent and living expenses on top of the rent for the shop itself. The goal was closer than it had ever been. Another six months. Nine, maybe, depending on how the event planning business went. Then she’d finally have the chance to be out on her own.
She’d been working her ass off toward this for years now, and seeing the progress she’d made left her with a deep sense of satisfaction beneath the exhaustion. She wondered if she could sneak downstairs for a glass of wine before bed. That seemed a fitting, small celebration.
But before she could even shut the laptop for the night, she heard Lorraine calling her name again.
Fighting down the frustration, she took a half-dozen slow, deep breaths.
Just six more months. I’ve done this for fourteen years now. I can do it for six more months.
Fixing a neutral smile in place, she set Cori aside and got up to see what her stepmonster wanted now.
There's nothing like forced proximity to make passions ignite! Lose yourself in this set of small-town contemporary romances from five different series! Don't worry, each can be read as a standalone.
📚PLAYBOY IN A KILT (KILTED HEARTS Book 3): The little white lie Connor told a former fling to escape his playboy reputation becomes a necessary reality when she shows up as maid of honor to plan a wedding at the estate. As a huge social media influencer, she could make or break Ardinmuir as a wedding destination, so Sophie agrees to pretend to be Connor's fiancée. But as the lines between fiction and reality blur, Sophie begins to wonder if he's the answer to the fairy tale she doesn't think she deserves.
✅ forced proximity
✅ fake engagement
📚DON'T YOU WANNA STAY (MEN OF THE MISFIT INN Book 3): After accidentally buying an historic fixer upper in an online auction, publicist Deanna partners with YouTube famous DIYer Wyatt. As they battle home improvement hell and rising attraction, can they keep from giving the viewers more of a show than they ever intended?
✅ forced proximity
📚WRAPPED UP WITH A RANGER (BAD BOY BAKERS Book 2): When Cayla's ex gets out of prison, Holt intervenes with a huge lie. As they struggle to convince everyone that their marriage of protection is real, these two reluctant hearts fall deeper, until the lines between fiction and truth begin to blur, and they must risk it all to protect the family they didn't know they wanted. Can a grumpy former Ranger find lasting happiness in a marriage of convenience with a sunny single mom?
✅ forced proximity
✅ grumpy v sunshine
📚WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU (RESCUE MY HEART Book 2): Former Army Ranger turned horse trainer Sebastian Donnelly is happy with his quiet life — but meeting his boss’s sister, Laurel Maxwell, makes his heart take notice. When she comes to stay on the farm, he has her questioning everything about the life she has planned. Will these two wounded hearts be able to resist their connection?
✅ forced proximity
✅ best friend's sibling
📚BE CAREFUL, IT'S MY HEART (WISHFUL ROMANCE Book 3): The historic Madrigal theater, in the heart of downtown Wishful, is about to close its doors forever. A last ditch fund-raising effort, a production of White Christmas, is probably the only thing that could bring Tyler Edison back to the stage after all these years. Little does she know that the leading man who broke her heart just blew back into town. Auditions start at six o'clock.
✅ forced proximity
✅ second chance
Books Included in this Bundle:
✔️ Playboy in a Kilt
✔️ Don't You Wanna Stay
✔️ Wrapped Up with a Ranger
✔️ What I Like About You
✔️ Be Careful, It's My Heart

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